Late in 2019 the SARS-COV-2 virus broke out into a global pandemic. From early 2020 the disease this virus produced, COVID-19, began causing widespread deaths worldwide and as a result, gatherings of poeple were curtailed severely - killifish shows were put on hold for 2020 and 2021. Some resumed in 2022. That's why where's a gap in show results between 2019 and 2022.
As of this writing (May 2022) Over 6.2 million people worldwide lost their and lives to this virus with over half a billion people infected - although this represents only some percent of the infected, ones sick enough to warrant testing. Others, who had no symptoms, and there were a lot, were not counted. It would not ne surprising if the number of the infected was between 1 and 2 billion persons.
By the spring of 2023 the virus was no longer a serious concern and killifish shows were back on.